Sunday, December 2, 2012

my new hobby!

My friends have been playing cars for some time now. Modifying the exhaust and whatever not to have a better torque or lightening the car in order to have a better engine efficiency. They have gotten me so amused and involved in this hobby that I am a true JDM (Japanese Domestic Massmarket ) supporter now. All the front wheel drive vs rear wheel drive, uphill vs downhill speed racing in Initial D has gotten me so excited and so in love with cars. They just seem to operate like the human body. The engine is the heart, the torque is like one 's explosive strength, the way the engine ravs is like how a person takes lactic..
Wait. This is racing. This is Marathon running!
I just discovered this connection. This amazing connection. All along I have been trying to lose weight while my friend has been trying make his car lighter. The ability to take on more lactic (higher cadence) is just like having a more high rev engine. the front wheel drive is just like forefoot running. Plyometrics is like having a more sensitive accelerator pedal with more torque. Aerobic capacity is like  the friction on the wheels..
But of course, the technical skill of the driver should never be under estimated. Just as the technique of a good and efficient runner should always be the foundation. After all, this is a race of 42000 steps.  Every single step counts.
Racing has just gotten a whole lot more interesting.  The training sessions feel like it's a time I send the car to the workshop for "upgrades".
Time to zeng me.
Let's go 2013.
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Monday, November 26, 2012


since august. I have been getting ready for Kobe marathon. and everything that has got to do with it was with the #roadtokobe2012 tag.

tonight is the last night I will spend in Japan 2012. hopefully everything will do well and I will be back in Japan sooner than I know it. really love the place, the people, the language, the weather and yes, some might argue, the radiation.

during this trip. I have foster new friendships with akiko san and Jeremy. and met Mr tadashi again. buddy kaifen has gone through another milestone with me, going through at least another 60km with me here in Osaka and Kobe. good friend Alicia kept us company and fought through the cold for us. both my buddy and I did our PB. and it's really an amazing feeling to achieve it at a place with such huge support from the organisers #asics and from local and from friends who are physically here and back home in sg the constant well wishes aided me alot when I was struggling. thank God for every pleasant and unpleasant event in life.

to celebrate our PBs,  we went to have our kobe beef and visited the sake brewery to drink sake in the cold Kobe weather. shiok max.

more work has to be done. alot more determination and hardwork.. with lots and lots of pain and lactate waiting for me. well, I chose this path. no regrets.

nil sine labore.
hope I did VS proud.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

new tarthers!

I am an eccentric person with lots of different "rituals" for different events.
I am just "pang tang" or superstitious. 
Well, never hurt to get that "extra little bit of luck" right? hahaha!
I always believe the location of where my shoe first step foot on is important. so ie, i used to break into my new basketball shoes when i am only on the courts that i like/ have chosen. I will bring them in my bag and wear it when i am alrdy on the court. So that "first step" it makes is on a "good location". haha. 
yes. i am that superstitious.

So, after walking around Umeda (Osaka), i finally gotten myself a new pair of racers.
no doubts. If its not asics japan, i might as well kill myself. haha!
My beloved Tarther. 
Why are you so hard to find?!?! *cries*

So here are some pics of my sexy lady 

I LOVE the sole.
the traction tarther produces is like no other. you really have to try it to feel the difference.
To me, this is my favourite model, my choice of weapon for racing.
Tarthers FTW!

(ps. too bad singapore doesnt have it. oh wait. i think asics singapore just brought in ds tarthers. you can check them out =p )

Besides the new shoe "setting foot" on the ideal location, i will always always always.... 
rah rah RAH. haa!

its time for to eat my breakkie and get ready for my first training in Japan! 
So gonna enjoy the 11 degrees training climate. haha..

mata ne! 

love and peace

Sunday, November 4, 2012

a rainy day's run

it sure was pouring this afternoon.
i had half a mind to call off training for today. But knowing that my marathon is in 3 weeks time... it makes me really uneasy to skip a training.. especially the long run.
so. i put on my asics ds trainers. wore my long body suit and i hit the road as the rain pours on me.
Before i could reach 2km, my feet were soaked wet and i can hear the sound that i hated so much "squash squash squash..."... sucks.

My running route today was the standard ritual route i will take before important races. A route to keep my faith going. A route that helps me every single second during the race. A route back to VS. The school that has given me so much.

Maybe its the rain. Maybe i wasnt feeling well. Maybe its just me...
Lots and lots of thoughts surface today. thats very usual for me.

I thought about my dearest dearest basketball peeps. Lennard.. Yida.. Jeremy.. Marcus... Evans.. Abra.. Ben.. Sherman.. and the rest of the team... Those that have been with me since i started running. Those that have given me such a wonderful memory. Tomorrow is the start of a war that you guys need to fight. I told Lennard that i will be fighting my own battle in Japan. Remember bros. We never give up. We may not be the best. But. WE NEVER GIVE UP. I know with this attitude, it will drive us higher and better every single day. Please.. please.. do not give up just yet. Do not be proud. Do not be complacent. Do not stop. Till the final second. You have absolute control over your battle. We will fight together, in our own battles.. and we will make each other proud. we will give our very best. we will do ourselves and our team mates proud.

I thought about the my fellow Victorians who has done the school proud. The very people i have always admired. The people who are truly "Sportsman, Gentlemen and Professional". Recently, i had received a few blessings from the cross-country school mates. They encouraging me to race hard and to "keep the flag unfurled". I hope i will do as well as they did. But one thing i know. NIL SINE LABORE. nothing without labour. The very words that drive through me training every single day. Hopefully. I will do well in kobe later this month.

and.. I thought about my running buddy. How we are gonna troll through the streets of Kobe in our awesome ASICS attire. How we are out-do ourselves. WE WILL DO IT.

of course. i thought of you. but it just seemed so far. but that is gonna be another story for another day. haha..

in conclusion. i just need to do my best. out-do myself and give my best. simple hor? hahahah! dafuq.

I believe miracles do happen.
When God is on your side.

love and peace.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


really into this song now.

hope to share more good music with everyone =)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

i breathe music

throughout my life.. music has always been part of who i am.
even when i was as young as 6, i was playing the piano.
some how.. i just love it. 
it is the most beautiful thing ever on earth.

Yesterday, i have released yet another single.
This was totally inspired by my bro Sylvester sim (sly). So how, his song "xi wang 希望" gave me this very very loving feeling. and I seemed to be able to let go out certain negative emotions. What mattered most is that i have given my all and it was a very good memory. With this song, i think i have officially moved on. To be able to look at the memories and smile. To think of no negative thoughts, but the purity of love.
Thank you god, for showing me this. Thank you sly, for inspiring me.

In all honesty, this is my first song that i am truly satisfied with all the arrangement.
I started from scratch. 
Did the drums, then the bass, then guitar, then vocals, the backing, the harmony and all the rap rap thingy. Basically. I really enjoyed the whole process. For a 4 hour job, i really think i am talented la. give me some credits. haha!

While i was arranging it, i thought about my drummer, Bryan. I imagined playing with him. I imagined how he would have interpreted and how he would have approached the song. I produced my own "Bryan". and. I felt really good about it. haha.

So when bryan came over (to do another recording), i let him listened to the song and i asked if this is what he would have played. Initially, him being bryan, denied the fills and groove. But as the song continued he said "wa. xiang. i am impressed. you actually know me so well."

Then i sent sly my song. Sly gave me very encouraging comments and it really felt good to be doing this all over again.

why am i doing this?
i dont know.
will i make money out of it?
But am i happy when i am doing it?
yes. very happy in fact.
so will i continue to compose?
you bet.
is the girl in the video my gf?
no. please dont sabo. hha

music is for life yo.
thanks for being in my life.
<3 div="div">


peace out!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

looking back at my life. its really quite a drama.
having gone through so much changes in these few years that i have lived.

changing jobs, changing bands, changing countries to work and live in.
I am back to where everything started. Singapore.
Doing what i was supposed to do like all other Singaporeans. To Study and ace the exam.

I may have taken a huge huge detour to get back to this route, but i have never regretted. Because i know i tried. I lived my dreams, even if it is for the slightest of time. To be able to be proud of myself and to tell myself that i gave my all.

It is my closest friends that have kept me going. The very people who have encouraged me to keep going despite all the hardship. and these. are the people that i meet once a year. Amazingly.
Friendship is definitely not defined by the frequency of the meetups ot the amount of well wishes we send to each other. I believe in words that are not spoken. Prayers that i say for each other. Positive thoughts. never did they put me down. never had they forsaken me.

When i was doing my music. My VS friends stuck w me through all the hardship through all my whatever-bullshit-crazy life style. I am thankful for them. although they dont understand it, they are there for me. I know it. and i love them dearly like true real brothers.

Now, i am back to doing sports. My musician friends give me the space and time to train and to race. Nevertheless, wishing me the best in all races and never blamed me for not meeting them as i need to turn in early daily.

I am very very blessed.

What will my life be without this 2 main group of people.. i can hardly imagine. For they are people that i love, i care and am willing to go all out for. and they are people who i am very very proud of. They are the people who have accepted me for my flaws and love me for who i am. and the same goes around.

Just feeling a little emotional now. think my screw is loose again. haha..

Monday, September 17, 2012

Measuring your breakfast

often than not, we look at the back of a cereal box and we compare the calorie content of each brand and each flavor to find the "healthiest" cereal.
general rule of thumb is to consume "whole meal cereal with low fat milk" preferably with "high fiber". guess everyone's already an expert when it comes to this. what might be lacking if the measurement of a standard "portion".
a portion of a cereal can be found on the same calories diagram (eg. 30g). so when more than a portion is consumed, it is as good as having an up-sized meal. thus resulting in more calories intake and may not be as healthy as oneed might have anticipated.

so.. now, I am about to teach everyone a simple measuring technique to make sure every breakfast is about 1 serving. :)

grab a regular mug (please.. no big ass mugs allowed) and fill it with the cereal of your choice till 3/4 full. this should be around 33g which results in a standard portion of breakfast. only then will a person be consuming the promised 114kcalories written on the box.

just to take note. 1kcal = 1000 calories
and 1KJ is not the same as 1Kcal. so stick to either kj or kcal. which ever you are more comfortable with. I personally count based on kcal. (more towards Australian standards)

stay strong, stay healthy and..
have your breakfast! this should help everyone in weight management!

especially you ar Cat. eat urban breakkie :)

take care & god speed.


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Friday, September 7, 2012


well well. yesterday was one of the most excitig and enjoyable day i've had in a long time.

and so. yesterday was cam whore day. haha.. i did a photoshoot for one of the online store. so.. its reallt been some time i've come under the pamper of the camera.

to do the shoot, i had to wake up earlier than my usual timing to go to work. surprisingly right? didnt know modelling so xiong.

i started packing my clothes. because i am accompany a female lead in this shoot, i had tk make sure i dont "over-shine" her or the products. so i've decided to go barefoot (since they sell footware too). afterall, we are going to my favourite location to shoot. SENTOSA! WOOOHOOOO.... ♡sun ♥sand :)

bag full of clothings...
bag full of accessories.


it was initially drizzling as the crew was making our way into sentosa, but thankfully the rain stopped and we were able to set up camp and prepare for the shoot. eating our packed breakkie and going to the toilet... touching up on make up.. and we're all set to shoot!!
our camp

beach shoot! wooohoooo!!!

all set to shoot wor!

the shoot was really really very fun. im nonsemse as usual. doing stupid things.. coming up with silly ideas and honestly.. just being myself. i know the camera loves meeeee :)

so here sre some sneak previews of the shoot. super super nice. super feel like we're in love. eh. professionalism... hahaha!! dont play play ar.. 2 cam whores can really create very nice pics one wor.. oh oh.. of course our brilliant photographer couple. they are so funny.. so entertaining and so professional. this is definitely why the shoot was so efficient and fun!! ^^

hopefully this shoot will make this collection a huge sellout yo!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


mooncake festival is coming le wor..

here is one mooncake discount tt i found for u peeps! :)

hope u like it!

#mooncake #discount

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

new toy ♡

Just bought myself a new toy.
After making my calculations, it was way cheaper for me to buy my own bike than to renew my gym membership. So hence... tada!! :)

Lets hope this baby will help me make the difference to my training. To relief me of all the injuries and to help get a better leaner body. Get rid of all the fats in me yo. Haha..

Triple sessions sounds good. Lets make the difference for this kobe marathon.

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

"How is sports school?" Is a question that i get asked regularly ever since the commencement of my internship.
Initially it was a hell lot of stuff to do and so little time to get them done. So much to learn, so much to read on. So i must say it had been one of the best experience i have ever gotten. Steep as hell but fruitful and fulfiling :)
Now on top of the "work" work learning experience, i can sincerely say that sports school is really fun. All the colleagues are around my age group so its really like some kinda giant party every single day.
Just last friday, the most random event of 2012 occurred. I was asked if i was interested to run a 32km charity run. Initially i turned it down. But... my supervisor asked me to run. Ok. So thats like an unofficial official must run. Nvm. When i came bck from the 32km. He told to complete 18km more to make it 50km..
What the...
I was totally not prepared for it. No spare socks.. no carbo loading.. no more SiS GO Gel. Seriously..
This is the time crazy rock n roll me took over. "Lets go" i said. And lets go i went. 44 laps around the track. This is definitely one of the craziest stunts i have ever done.
On hind sight, what made me confident was the confidence i had in the sports school staff. The support team. The people that cheered me on and definitely, i know god was watching over me. So. Lets go. Whenever there is a challenge.. lets go. :)
Loving sports school more and more everyday. ♥
And of course. Through the run i have forged so much new friendship n found myself a running buddy!! :)
Please continue to Challenge me. For i will only be better in time to come.
Never compromise myself.
My determination has no equal.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

never compromise

Saw this tweet earlier today.
"Never compromise on yourself. You've only got yourself"
Makes a lot of sense to me.

As i was doing my morning run. Thid quote went through my mind again.
Never compromise in anything.
Take pride in my work.
Only through this way, will i be able to give 100%.
Its always so easy to tell ourselves to slack off a little.. "take a chill pill"... "relac".. "why so chiong"..
I believe that my work will be judged. Not by just by others. But also myself...
Will i be able to look back and say to myself "hmmm.. at least i tried my best. It aint that bad a try anyways".

Recent times has been pretty tough for me. To juggle work, training, studying and of course my social life. Even music has taken a back seat but yet there are still much left for me to do.
As the saying goes.. everything in life comes to an end. All good or bad relationship has to end. Friendships like wise. As usual im very affected by how things have turned out. But. Nevertheless. I shall employ the new logic of "it takes 2 hands to clap". So i shall no longer try to make things work. If u cant be bothered. Neither will i. Screw it ya?

Its really a good time for me to learn to cope with all these and put my best foot forward, to give the best i have. Not to compromise on my quality.

Shall not let myself down
Shall not compromise on myself!
Time to work harder. There are lots of people who care abt me. Haha.. yeah!!!


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Saturday, August 11, 2012

injured.. big time..

Ok. So this is not the first time I''ve been injured. And definitely not the first time as a runner. But. This definitely the first time that the injury is so huge that it may affect me for a long time to come..

Just to clear the air. I have gotten tendinitis. Which is basically damaged tendons. I have perfectly fine ACL as of now and I don't intend to do any reconstruction. God please keep keep me safe. *prays*

As of now, I haven't been training ever since 24 July and it is slowly killing me. I crave for the pain, the adrenaline, the endorphins that running gives me. And outta a sudden, I find my days sis long and draggy. I feel like I''ve gotten an additional 5 hours daily. What to do.. Hai.. yesterday, I watched the whole of Olympics marathon replay and when I'm done I told myself to go to bed.. only to realise it is only 9pm. That's how much time.I have..
To make things worse.. I'm still as hungry as ever and I really have to control my diet. If not I'm gonna carry can additional 6kg when I start my training all over again.

Kobe marathon is in 12 weeks. Really bad time to get this shit.

It's really time to keep my faith.. be disciplined to not train (that's the hardest.. seriously) and to believe I can make a come back. The Marathon does not lie. Looks like I won't be going below 3 hours this year. Sucks. Zzz..

I hate it when I can't train. Grrr..

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

healthy food!

So to some of my friend's knowledge I had began my internship at Singapore sports school. Yes. That is true. Haha.. no more srjc.

Works busy.. but I'm loving every bit of it. All the research work is no doubt what I want to do in the future. Fulfilling, enriching and best of all, I have the opportunity to a difference to the athletes. A positive difference let me mind u.. haha..

Well well, being in sports school definitely has it's incentives. The world is seriously o la la world class. Best of all, all the trainers are here. So I get lots of advice in terms on my form and discussing on my marathon training plan. Come to think about it. It's been 18 months since I started training for my Marathon. A lot has changed, a lot of new.motivation and definitely a lot of people to thank for me to have come thus far.

But my favourite thing at sports school is the food here! Lets be honest. It's not good tasting. But hey. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Having the luxury of the meals being prepared by nutritionist is a great blessing and I intend to stick on to this for as long as possible :)

So gonna make the most out of my stay here. Loving sports school. ♥

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Friday, August 3, 2012

should we be proud of the bronze?

Singapore has finally gotten her individual medal after a long wait. Yet, this has split the citizens of Singapore into 2 distinctive camps: those who are proud of the achievement and those that think "Singapore" did not win.

So.. what's the issue now?
It has been no secret that a bronze is of a lower credibility and less of an honor in any sporting event. Adding to the pain is the fact that the athlete is a foreign talent, which meant that she was not born here in Singapore and probably her only English vocabulary are resisted to "why leh", "here lo", "Walao". We can safely bet that she can't sing the national anthem and let alone understand what it is all about. (Well, the general concept of all anthems are the same though)

To be honest, when I was much younger, I had these exact feelings. As I speak now, as a sports scientist and as an athlete, my opinion has changed. This is why:

The Olympics is not just an event to compete for the fastest or the best athlete. It is also a showcase of the financial power and technology advancement each country has. How much money, time and effort that is spent into something that is totally insignificant to a country's survival. Let me assure you that the it is not an easy job to put an athlete together to compete. Sports physiologist, coaches, physiotherapists, sports psychologist, biomechamist, general manager, nutritionist and traInIng partners are put together to empower the athlete. The team members consist of Singaporeans. True blue la-leh-lo-eh fouled mouth hokkien speakIng Singaporeans like you and me.

Oh, did we forget that the correct athlete must be chosen to make it happen?

Feng Tian Wei came to Singapore in 2007  and has been living, breathing the same air and eating the same chicken rice and nasi lemak that you and I both love.

It is really not easy being an athlete. training 4 hours each session, twice a day and up to 6 times a week. It is no easy job. If anyone thinks that being an athlete has lesser stress as compared to being in an office environment, I dare you to complete the standard chartered Marathon Singapore leg in 3:30:00H. Then you can tell me if it is an easy and less stressful job.

Lets forget about where she is from and care more about who has developed her (Singapore), who she is representing as of 2008 (Singapore), who is going to benefit from sparring with such a good opponent during training (young Singaporeans) and who she is representing on the BIGGEST stage in the world.

Singaporeans often question why our athletes haven't been performing well. best In sIngaporea but lousIest In olympIcs. Have we ever asked ourselves what we could have Done as a spectator, citizen to make a difference in making our own SINGAPOREAN athletes better? every coubtry pays tax and part of it is funded to sports. So cut the crap. And I havent even touched on our paralympIcs who are world record holders(I bet 95% of Singaporeans do not know this FACT).

For those who know me on a personal basis, you guys Will know I hardly come out to address Singapore as my country. But hey. Seriously. I am proud of it. And one day I want to don the red and white to do the country proud. Hopefully by then, more support Will be given to the national athletes.

Lets unite and be proud. For this is the country that has given us life, stability, shelter and family. This is Singapore.

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"Singapore" winning bronze?

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

srjc Will run 2012 "unstoppable"

And so. The annual Will run has come to an end and must I say, the run was really a success!
The students came as early as 6:30 to settle down, take attendance and also temperature (safety purposes). Kudos to the students for dragging themselves out of bed at such early hours and of course, the wonderful PE Dept which Came In at 6am!

Safety checked
Medics checked
First aid checked
Water point checked
Attendance checked
Temperature checked

Ok. Time to rock n roll!

I am very very proud of my students from my PE classes, Basketball and Runners, club. All the cheering, motivating every fellow srjcian and their racing ethics is wonder!(totally unlike my messy cup throwing, water spitting...)
The students ran well, some had their personal best and I'm certain everyone had a good race!

Thank you students, teachers and SRJC for giving me this opportunity to experience such a wonderful event.

Now I have a bag full of memories to propel me even harder as I move towards other challenges in life.
I will not give up.
I "run for a reason".
There will be "no limits".
Every single step counts
I will be "unstoppable".
My determination has no equal.

Nil sine labore
Zac =]

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

august august 2012!

a great month of august has began.

a great challenge lies ahead.

needa adapt to my new life style.

life is all about adapting and constantly changing to meet the demands needed.

let me rise to this occasion and perform to my very best.

for there will be many more to come.


Zac Leow

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pre-race mental training

Here some routines that i go through before my races that I would love to share with all runners, especially my fellow SRJCians. All the best for the upcoming Will Run! =)


Days before and even till moments before the race, i will visualise the race route in my head. (Of course i have done my research and checked out the race route, even if it is an overseas race!) I will picture myself running in "perfect form", hitting the bends hard, adjusting my body to weave through human traffic and even how i will draft other runners then moving in for the "overdrive" when the time is right. I will picture myself running through all the "tough" portion of the race, eg. upslopes and choke points.

During the actual race, i will not be taken by surprise or be impatient as i have rehearsed the race many times in my head, in all posible senarios (good and bad). This boosts my self-efficacy and my confidence of reaching my goal.


Constantly reminding myself that I am a marathon runner and i am good at what i do: run. Our minds operate in the present so the more we tell ourselves something, even if it is not yet true, the faster our mind believes it and begins working now to make that affirmation a reality.

Every season i have a quote for myself. I will constantly repeat this quote whenever i feel jaded or tired during training or racing. Last season, the quote was "every single step counts". This season the quote is something i came up with and i think it is awesome =) "my determination has no equal".

Find a quote for yourself. Repeat it in your head. Know that you can break all limits as long as you do not restrict your mind.

Block the Negative

Irregardless how many times i have ran a marathon/ half marathon/ 10km, there will be a time when the negativity creeps in. The evil that prevents me from performing well.....

i am so tired...
the weather is too hot...
i need some water...

oh gosh.. the person in front has stopped. maybe i should stop too...
half way done.. omg.. 21km more to go... arggghhh..
my feet is killing me...

sound familiar? I face these as often as anyone out there. The difference? I block them out as soon as possible. I zone myself back in again and tell myself that i wanna race with no regrets.
I will repeat my quote to give me strength and to re-focus myself.
my determination has no equal..
my determinaiton has no equal... 
my determination has no equal!

I had visualised myself encountering such moments. I have pushed through and overcame them in my mind numerous times. Thus, I know I will overcome it in reality.
I remind myself that the decision to push through is correct. I have faith in myself. Becuase. I have trained too hard to give up on this day.

Block out the negativity and bring yourself back into the zone. This is the time when you may feel your "second wind".

and my last words to all SRJCians before our 2012 "unstoppable" Will Run:


Time to rock and roll


internship at srjc

and so.. 5 weeks of internship is coming to an end. honestly, i cant bear to put an end to this. i am having so much fun and i have made so much awesome memories.

recalling back at my first day of internship, where the was so much awkwardness between me and the rest of the staff room till today where we are able to joke around and even share some personal issues with each other. =)
special thanks to those that came to make everything so much better for me. you know who u are! :)

SRJC has developed into a running school and every single staff and student is so ever motivated to run and clock the distance. It has truly developed into a school which i am proud to be a part of. Probably that is because i have become a marathon runner. nevertheless, having a school tradition and school spirit is something that was truly lacking during my time.. so this is a great step forward!

During this period of time, i was assigned to the new cca, runners' club. As always, the first few sessions with the students are very never easy as they do not open up to me. However, i am glad that as the sessions continue, their running mechanics got better and their personal best has been improved. With that, they started to trust my training more, opened up more and i have definitely built new friendship with students of runners' club. It is really an awesome experience.

The main event during this internship is definitely the will run. It is a 75min race for the boys and 90 mins race for the girls where students attempt to clock the maximum mileage possible. For every km covered, a $1 donation is given to the school, in which a portion of it will be donated to charity.

My basketball boys have all been running hard during the PE lessons to build up to a good race. i am certain they will do well and that they will do me proud. i have faith in them. Boys, remember that i have never doubt your abilities. so, do not limit urself. jiayou for the upcoming A division!

Since the PE department has duties to fulfill during the actual race, we have done our will run separately from the rest of the school. yesterday was my run. to be honest, the distance i clocked wasnt good enough for a celebration. but i would like to dedicate my run to my beloved basketballers, runners' club and my pe class. You guys really do mean something to me and i really enjoyed every moment i have spent with you! :)

and of course i would like to thank asics ;) Heres my sexy blue racer! vroom vroom!

all good things come to an end. it is the ending that makes everything in life so special and precious.

i will miss SRJC.
i have began to like SRJC.


love u peeps.

nil sine labore