Saturday, August 11, 2012

injured.. big time..

Ok. So this is not the first time I''ve been injured. And definitely not the first time as a runner. But. This definitely the first time that the injury is so huge that it may affect me for a long time to come..

Just to clear the air. I have gotten tendinitis. Which is basically damaged tendons. I have perfectly fine ACL as of now and I don't intend to do any reconstruction. God please keep keep me safe. *prays*

As of now, I haven't been training ever since 24 July and it is slowly killing me. I crave for the pain, the adrenaline, the endorphins that running gives me. And outta a sudden, I find my days sis long and draggy. I feel like I''ve gotten an additional 5 hours daily. What to do.. Hai.. yesterday, I watched the whole of Olympics marathon replay and when I'm done I told myself to go to bed.. only to realise it is only 9pm. That's how much time.I have..
To make things worse.. I'm still as hungry as ever and I really have to control my diet. If not I'm gonna carry can additional 6kg when I start my training all over again.

Kobe marathon is in 12 weeks. Really bad time to get this shit.

It's really time to keep my faith.. be disciplined to not train (that's the hardest.. seriously) and to believe I can make a come back. The Marathon does not lie. Looks like I won't be going below 3 hours this year. Sucks. Zzz..

I hate it when I can't train. Grrr..

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