Wednesday, August 8, 2012

healthy food!

So to some of my friend's knowledge I had began my internship at Singapore sports school. Yes. That is true. Haha.. no more srjc.

Works busy.. but I'm loving every bit of it. All the research work is no doubt what I want to do in the future. Fulfilling, enriching and best of all, I have the opportunity to a difference to the athletes. A positive difference let me mind u.. haha..

Well well, being in sports school definitely has it's incentives. The world is seriously o la la world class. Best of all, all the trainers are here. So I get lots of advice in terms on my form and discussing on my marathon training plan. Come to think about it. It's been 18 months since I started training for my Marathon. A lot has changed, a lot of new.motivation and definitely a lot of people to thank for me to have come thus far.

But my favourite thing at sports school is the food here! Lets be honest. It's not good tasting. But hey. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. Having the luxury of the meals being prepared by nutritionist is a great blessing and I intend to stick on to this for as long as possible :)

So gonna make the most out of my stay here. Loving sports school. ♥

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