Thursday, August 2, 2012

srjc Will run 2012 "unstoppable"

And so. The annual Will run has come to an end and must I say, the run was really a success!
The students came as early as 6:30 to settle down, take attendance and also temperature (safety purposes). Kudos to the students for dragging themselves out of bed at such early hours and of course, the wonderful PE Dept which Came In at 6am!

Safety checked
Medics checked
First aid checked
Water point checked
Attendance checked
Temperature checked

Ok. Time to rock n roll!

I am very very proud of my students from my PE classes, Basketball and Runners, club. All the cheering, motivating every fellow srjcian and their racing ethics is wonder!(totally unlike my messy cup throwing, water spitting...)
The students ran well, some had their personal best and I'm certain everyone had a good race!

Thank you students, teachers and SRJC for giving me this opportunity to experience such a wonderful event.

Now I have a bag full of memories to propel me even harder as I move towards other challenges in life.
I will not give up.
I "run for a reason".
There will be "no limits".
Every single step counts
I will be "unstoppable".
My determination has no equal.

Nil sine labore
Zac =]

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