Monday, August 27, 2012

"How is sports school?" Is a question that i get asked regularly ever since the commencement of my internship.
Initially it was a hell lot of stuff to do and so little time to get them done. So much to learn, so much to read on. So i must say it had been one of the best experience i have ever gotten. Steep as hell but fruitful and fulfiling :)
Now on top of the "work" work learning experience, i can sincerely say that sports school is really fun. All the colleagues are around my age group so its really like some kinda giant party every single day.
Just last friday, the most random event of 2012 occurred. I was asked if i was interested to run a 32km charity run. Initially i turned it down. But... my supervisor asked me to run. Ok. So thats like an unofficial official must run. Nvm. When i came bck from the 32km. He told to complete 18km more to make it 50km..
What the...
I was totally not prepared for it. No spare socks.. no carbo loading.. no more SiS GO Gel. Seriously..
This is the time crazy rock n roll me took over. "Lets go" i said. And lets go i went. 44 laps around the track. This is definitely one of the craziest stunts i have ever done.
On hind sight, what made me confident was the confidence i had in the sports school staff. The support team. The people that cheered me on and definitely, i know god was watching over me. So. Lets go. Whenever there is a challenge.. lets go. :)
Loving sports school more and more everyday. ♥
And of course. Through the run i have forged so much new friendship n found myself a running buddy!! :)
Please continue to Challenge me. For i will only be better in time to come.
Never compromise myself.
My determination has no equal.
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