Monday, November 26, 2012


since august. I have been getting ready for Kobe marathon. and everything that has got to do with it was with the #roadtokobe2012 tag.

tonight is the last night I will spend in Japan 2012. hopefully everything will do well and I will be back in Japan sooner than I know it. really love the place, the people, the language, the weather and yes, some might argue, the radiation.

during this trip. I have foster new friendships with akiko san and Jeremy. and met Mr tadashi again. buddy kaifen has gone through another milestone with me, going through at least another 60km with me here in Osaka and Kobe. good friend Alicia kept us company and fought through the cold for us. both my buddy and I did our PB. and it's really an amazing feeling to achieve it at a place with such huge support from the organisers #asics and from local and from friends who are physically here and back home in sg the constant well wishes aided me alot when I was struggling. thank God for every pleasant and unpleasant event in life.

to celebrate our PBs,  we went to have our kobe beef and visited the sake brewery to drink sake in the cold Kobe weather. shiok max.

more work has to be done. alot more determination and hardwork.. with lots and lots of pain and lactate waiting for me. well, I chose this path. no regrets.

nil sine labore.
hope I did VS proud.

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