Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today was a really fulfilling day for me as i had a pretty decent race, lots and lots of good food and had an enjoyable, well-spent day with my friends =)

Nike We Run Sg was a held at old Kallang Airport and could be better know as the old People's Association to some. Although it was a little chaotic in the morning, and some delay for the flagoff to the race, a cat fight beside me (omg, it sure was scary), the race turned out well for me!
I completed the 10km run in 43 minutes. There definitely is room for improvement but as for now, I am quite contended with that race timing. Will definitely aim for under 40 minutes for my next 10km race.

After the race, i had my awesome recovery food (sinful as hell) and had a chil-lax recovery session in the pool (which turned out quite xiong). So here are some pictures!

check out the amount of people taking part in this year's Nike 10km run!!

back home after the run. the blue tapes are my saviors. they are my K tapes =)

time to have a fun time relaxing by the pool!  

my girlfriend making herself comfortable.

here i go into the cold water to start my active recovery!

 anyone else hungry??

peace out!!

 coolest macdonald's 

 how long has it been since you last saw a macs playground?!?!

 McValue lunch with double the monopoly coupons! woots!

dessert? What else other than Mcflury Horlicks??

Coolest "Finisher Medal" ever

*tada* its a thumb thumb thumb thumb!!!

Gonna end the night by sending my Cloudy for its shower! Its all clean and shiny now. Handsome!

Hope everyone had a great weekend too! 

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