Saturday, December 31, 2011

end off 2011

what a year 2011 has been.

I've embarked on a truly new journey of my life. 

Became very close friends with some, lost some friends along the way.. 
I am still thankful for those that are here by my side. 
Really. Love you peeps.
I will catch the grenade for you~~

Stepped up to a new challenge in life. 42.195km, the marathon.

I've been racing. doing new distances, breaking my own personal best (pb), starting to train with an awesome group of friends under my mentor. It is really tough and alot of commitment to make sure everything goes according to plan. There is still a long long way to gooooooooo..... =p

I've become the head coach of SRJC basketball boys. Truly a good way for me to payback to my school as well as a fantastic way of me to practice what i've learnt in school. I want to be the sport scientist that will aid Singapore to a new height. To be able to let the world know that Singapore is not just a freaking country that can do nothing except produced clone tools to propel the country's economy.

ooooops. wrong flag ar.

but the toughest of all is definitely being single again. i guess, im just a committed person although i dont look like one. I will just have to get use to it.
at least i still got my dreams, passion and DORAEMON with me! hahaha

Some people come in and out of our lives, the hardest part is that when you are not prepared to leave. This is probably as close as "death". friends or lover. it is all the same. it all hurts.

Have been doing some reflections for 2011. What you said was true. I am just not good enough. I need to improve as a person, as an athlete, as a lover. I even needa improve as a Victorian.
I will.
cause i know....

Before i end it off, i would like to apologise to all that i've hurt in one way or the other in this year. 
I should never inflict pain and suffering into anyone except for myself. (cause i feed on pain)
I will be a better person come 2012. even if it is the end of the world =)

I've definitely made my new year resolution for 2012.
I'll try my best to achieve all! =)

Love you all.
Thanks for all the messages i've received since the start of this blog. 

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