Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Running: Motivation

It is hard to run alone. Especially during long run and this applies to me as well.

Here are some situations and what i feel any runners should do, to stay motivated and to be committed to the run.

Feel out of breath?

 Don't push yourself too hard. Long runs are not meant to be done fast unless, it is a time trial.  Mix in some walking with your running if you have to. The important thing is that you finish the mileage. If the goal for today's run is 20km, complete it regardless how slow or how fast you finish it. Its a first step to your endurance race.

Feel like stopping? 
This happens to everyone. Even for me. So, my suggestion is that you try starting out at a slower pace the next time you run. This will conserve the amount of carbohydrate stored in your body and this will enable you to have more energy (carbohydrate) to deal with the fatigue at a much later stage.

Are you bored with your runs?
Make every run a mission. Run to get a cup of coffee, try to run a few seconds faster with every mile, incorporate speed workouts or change your route.

Don't like running alone?
Find a training buddy to run with. You can gain knowledge and support by running with others. Together, you can push each other to achieve more. Having plans to meet with someone else for your run ensures that you will not put it off.

Need extra motivation on the race course? 
It is alright to feel jaded after a long run. It is alright to lose a little motivation when you are "down". The hard part is to continue to be strong till the finish line.
Print your name on the front and back of your T-shirt. Spectators will then be able to shout personalized encouragement from the sidelines.
I wrote stuff on my hand during my first marathon to remind myself why i set myself out to face this amount of pain.
Some runners use music as a form of motivation, playing tunes that are of at least 100bpm (beats per minute) to set the pace for their runs.

prepared and written by Zac Leow

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