Monday, November 28, 2011

Lifestyle: Breakup coming your way?

If your guy is suddenly saying no to potato chips and yes to the gym, you might want to ponder with whom, exactly, he's envisioning sharing this revamped physique -- it might not be you. And if you've been spending more time working out lately, you also might be contemplating the single life, according to a new study.

The University of Heidleberg study -- which tracked over 2,000 people, ages 16 to 55 -- found that a coupled-up person's sudden interest in getting fit could indicate a desire to head for the hills. It also found that -- surprise! -- single people as a rule weigh less than those who are in relationships. (Ah yes, the old "love chub" theory.)

The conclusion, then, is that when we're thinking of making a break for it, we start slimming down and buffing up to prep for our re-entry into the dating world.

Dr. Ian Kerner, sex and relationships counselor and founder of, acknowledges that a sudden frenzy for fitness could be a warning sign in a certain context, but on its own, it could actually be a good thing. While Kerner has known "plenty" of people who go on "workout binges" right before -- or even months before -- a breakup, he says exercise enthusiasm can just as easily be about health and fitness, pure and simple.

"Losing weight or getting in shape on its own is definitely not an indicator that people want to break up; it's an indicator that they want to take care of themselves," Kerner says.
But, Kerner says, it's important to look at the big picture. Here are five signs that, alone or coupled with someone's sudden affinity for 6 a.m. elliptical sessions, indicate your twosome might be in troubled waters:

1. You don't have anything to talk about.
If you find yourself bored and disinterested, or feel like he's not putting as much effort into conversations as he used to, Kerner says you're in shaky territory.

2. You don't care about the people who are important to him (and vice versa).
If either of you starts showing a real lack of interest in your partner's friends and family, or stops making an effort to do things that are important to the other person, that's a clear sign at least one of you is checking out.

3. Someone's suddenly a workaholic.
"Throwing yourself into work and making yourself a lot less accessible than you used to be," says Kerner, "or doing anything, really, that upsets the schedule and rhythm the two of you might have established together" -- is a clear warning sign.

4. You only seem to hang out in big groups.
When romantic dinners for two turn into endless occasions for socializing, chances are there's a reason you're avoiding intimate moments as a couple.

5. You're not supporting each other.
Is he making underhanded or passive aggressive comments that chip away at your confidence and self-esteem? Or do you find yourself belittling him in front of his friends or denigrating his ideas? In a healthy couple, each partner has the other's back.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

new hangout place!

there is this new fabulous pub that has opened on mohamed sultan road. it is called "iDarts Senso".

basically, iDarts Senso is a pub that has lots of electical darts machines, iDarts. They run on this sytem called Dartz Live 2 and with it, u challenge all the other darts players arnd the world. japan, taiwan, hongkong and even usa.

heres some pic that i took during a recent private party! :)

the overview of the bar. really cosy, really nice music. :)

iDarts running on Dartz live 2.

iDarts Senso

cool bar counter with lovely lights! :)

my handsome guitarist "my twin brother" playing iDarts!

the "stage" whereby impromptu challenges are accepted!

the super funky wall art arnd the pub

"live" streaming of tournament! its really a cool new sport!

the entrance of iDarts Senso

do check out this awesome new pub with ur friends for a drink or even to try the newest, hippest sport that has arrived in singapore. Darts live!

oh ps, theres this other version called phoenix, and it sucks. so support Darts live!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Running : Tips

 Tips to run faster and more efficiently.
Returning to running after a brief layoff? A general rule of thumb is that it takes about two weeks of "retraining" to come back from every week in which you did not exercise. Go easy on yourself during this period. Don't let your ego convince you that you should immediately be able to run as you did before. If you've been off the roads for only a week or two, start at about half the distance you were running before the injury. You should be able to build back to your former level in two to four weeks.

Less is more. Don't do too much too soon. When it comes to staying healthy, under-doing it is better than over-doing it. Limit any increase in your mileage to 10 percent per week and limit the percentage of intense running to less than 20 percent of your total weekly mileage.
You should always be able to carry on a conversation when you are running; if you can't, you are going too fast.

Be consistent—lack of consistency results in frustration with yourself, overtraining and injuries.
Let race performance determine your training speeds. Your training is most productive when you set the speed perfectly.

Do not avoid hills. Hill training is a good way to strengthen your ankle and tibialis anterior. Also bear in mind that the race course is never an all-flat route. So incoroperate hill runs to finish your race stronger!

Strength training. Running is not necessarily a strength-building activity. You will develop muscle tone and a certain amount of strength, but a good weight program done two to three times a week will help prevent injuries due to muscle weakness.

How do I improve my pace? An easy way to get you going and motivated is to run one km per week one minute faster than your normal pace. Over time your over-all pace should gradually improve.

Keep your head up while you run. This will allow a smoother air flow as there is not alteration to the air pathway. Hence, less energy is needed for breathing (which should be effortless). Keeping your head up and straight will also help keep the rest of your body in alignment, which will help prevent injuries. It will also allow you to run slightly faster.

Keep your toenails as short as possible. If your nails are too long, you can either get a progressively black toenail, or worse, an infection will set in underneath the nail.

prepared and written by Zac Leow

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Running: Motivation

It is hard to run alone. Especially during long run and this applies to me as well.

Here are some situations and what i feel any runners should do, to stay motivated and to be committed to the run.

Feel out of breath?

 Don't push yourself too hard. Long runs are not meant to be done fast unless, it is a time trial.  Mix in some walking with your running if you have to. The important thing is that you finish the mileage. If the goal for today's run is 20km, complete it regardless how slow or how fast you finish it. Its a first step to your endurance race.

Feel like stopping? 
This happens to everyone. Even for me. So, my suggestion is that you try starting out at a slower pace the next time you run. This will conserve the amount of carbohydrate stored in your body and this will enable you to have more energy (carbohydrate) to deal with the fatigue at a much later stage.

Are you bored with your runs?
Make every run a mission. Run to get a cup of coffee, try to run a few seconds faster with every mile, incorporate speed workouts or change your route.

Don't like running alone?
Find a training buddy to run with. You can gain knowledge and support by running with others. Together, you can push each other to achieve more. Having plans to meet with someone else for your run ensures that you will not put it off.

Need extra motivation on the race course? 
It is alright to feel jaded after a long run. It is alright to lose a little motivation when you are "down". The hard part is to continue to be strong till the finish line.
Print your name on the front and back of your T-shirt. Spectators will then be able to shout personalized encouragement from the sidelines.
I wrote stuff on my hand during my first marathon to remind myself why i set myself out to face this amount of pain.
Some runners use music as a form of motivation, playing tunes that are of at least 100bpm (beats per minute) to set the pace for their runs.

prepared and written by Zac Leow

Basketball: Understanding the Game

Positions in a game of Basketball
Although the rules do not specify any positions, they have evolved as part of the game of basketball. During the first five decades of basketball's evolution, one guard, two forwards and two centers or two guards, two forwards, and one center were used. Since the 1980s however, more specific positions have evolved.
    Basketball Positions
  • Point Guard: Usually the fastest player on the team, the point guard organizes the team's offense by controlling the ball and making sure that it gets to the right player at the right time.
  • Shooting Guard: Creates a high volume of shots on offense and guards the opponent's best perimeter player on defense.
  • Small Forward: Primarily responsible for scoring points via cuts to the basket and dribble penetration. On defense, the small forward seeks rebounds and steals, but sometimes plays more actively.
  • Power Forward: Plays offensively, often with his/her back to the basket. On defense, the power forward plays under the basket (in a zone defense) or against the opposing power forward (in man-to-man defense).
  • Center: Uses height and size to score (on offense), to protect the basket closely (on defense) or to rebound.

The above descriptions are flexible. On some occasions, teams will choose to use a three-guard offense, replacing one of the forwards, or the center, with a third guard. The most commonly interchanged positions are point guard and shooting guard, especially if both players have good leadership and ball-handling skills.


Strategies have also evolved with the game. In the 1990s and early 2000s, teams often played with more "isolation." Teams that had one superstar would let one player, usually the point guard or shooting guard, run most of the offense while the other four offensive players got out of his or her way. Nowadays, teams tend to play with more teamwork. The center position has evolved to become more of a taller small forward position. Since teams play with more teamwork, ball movement has evolved with the game, and more jump shots have been taken as a result. There are two main defensive strategies: zone defense and man-to-man defense. Zone defense involves players in defensive positions guarding whichever opponent is in their zone. In man-to-man defense, each defensive player guards a specific opponent and tries to prevent him/her from taking action. Defense has also evolved as a resonse to the evolution of the offense. "Zone Defense" has changed with many variations. There are defensive schemes called "2–3 zone", "3–2 zone", "box-and-1", "2–1–2 zone" and many more. All of these variations were created to defend different options that an offense has. "Man-to-man defense" has been the most preferred of all the option. Offensive plays are more varied, normally involving planned passes and movement by players without the ball. A quick movement by an offensive player without the ball to gain an advantageous position is called a cut. A legal attempt by an offensive player to stop an opponent from guarding a teammate, by standing in the defender's way such that the teammate cuts next to him, is called a screen or a pick. Those two plays combined is a pick and roll, in which a player sets a pick and then "rolls" away from the pick towards the basket. Screens and cuts are very important movements in offensive plays; they allow the quick passes and teamwork which can lead to a successful basket. Teams almost always have several offensive plays planned to ensure their movement is not predictable. On court, the point guard is usually responsible for identifying to his teammates which play will occur. Defensive and offensive structures, and positions, are more emphasized in the higher skilled teams in basketball.


The most common and recommended way of shooting the ball is as follows: The ball is first held with both hands with the guide hand on the side of the ball and the shooting hand under the ball. The ball rests in the shooting hand, in the manner of a waiter carrying a tray. The power of the shot comes from the legs, passing through to the elbow and wrist extensions of the shooting arm, finally continuing through the fingers. The ball is shot toward the target by extending the wrist in a half-arc until the fingers are pointing toward the floor. The ball rolls off the finger tips while the wrist completes a full downward flex motion. The shooting elbow is extended upward, starting its extension from approximately a 90ยบ flex. The ball should be evenly placed between the index and middle fingers. The ball ideally has a reverse, even spin, called backspin. This deadens the shot upon impact with the rim and applies "touch" to the ball. The ideal trajectory of the shot is somewhat arguable, but generally coaches will prefer a proper arch. The ball should pass well above the hoop, depending on the length of the shot, and travel downward into the basket to create the best angle for success. A shot that has little arch is called an "arrow" and has less chance of going in. A shot with too much arch is sometimes called a "rainbow". A rainbow is preferable to an arrow. A fluid shot involves a sequenced motion extending the knee, elbow, wrist and fingers. From behind, a shooter will have his/her arm fully extended while the wrist and fingers form a "gooseneck" position.


A pass is a method of moving the ball between players. Most passes are accompanied by a step forward to increase power, and are followed through with the hands to ensure accuracy. One of the most basic passes is the Chest Pass. The ball is passed directly from the passer's chest to the receiver's chest. This advantageous because it takes the least amount of time to complete, as the player tries to pass as straight as possible. Another type of pass is the Bounce Pass. In this pass, the ball bounces about two-thirds of the way from the passer. Like the chest pass, it is passed from the passer's chest to the receiver's chest, and it is passed as directly as possible. For example, there should be no downward motion of the ball between the bounce and the time the receiver catches it. In this way, it is completed in the least amount of time possible. It takes longer to complete than the chest pass, but it is more difficult for the opposing team to intercept. If the player is crowded or needs to pass the ball around a defender, this pass is often used. The Overhead Pass is used to pass the ball over a defender. The ball is passed from behind the passer's head, over it and toward the chin of the receiver. This pass is also fairly direct and can cover more distance than a chest pass. A pass is not necessarily always between two players who are at a distance from each other. Sometimes, a clever cut by a teammate can mean that a pass is to a teammate in motion who is closer to the passer when he/she is passing the ball. The most important aspect of a good pass is that it is difficult for the defense to intercept. For this reason, large arc-shaped passes are almost always avoided and cross-court passes are extremely rare.


Dribbling is the act of bouncing the ball continuously. When a player dribbles, they push the ball down towards the ground, rather than patting it, because this ensures greater control. When dribbling past an opponent, the player should use the hand furthest from the opponent. It is important for a player to be able to dribble confidently with either hand, so the defender will not be able to get to the ball without getting past the dribbler. The dribble is also lowered when switching hands so movement is more frequent. This is because, when switching the hand that is dribbling, the ball travels in front of the player, making it easier to steal. To switch hands, a player can dribble between his/her legs or behind the back. Players should not have to watch the ball while they are dribbling. By pushing the ball they know where it is without having to see it. A player's peripheral vision can also track the ball. By not having to focus on the ball, a player can look for teammates or scoring opportunities, as well as steer himself/herself away from danger.


A rebound is the act of successfully gaining possession of the basketball after a missed field goal or free throw. Rebounds in basketball are a major part in the game, as most possessions end after a missed shot. Rebounds are divided into two main categories: Offensive Rebounds, in which the ball is recovered by the offensive side and does not change possession, and Defensive Rebounds, in which the defending team gains possession of the loose ball. Most rebounds are defensive because the teams on defense tend to be in better positions (closer to the basket) to recover missed shots. Offensive rebounds provide another opportunity to score for the offensive team, either right away or by resetting the offense. Rebounds are credited to the first player that gains clear possession of the ball, or to a player that successfully deflects the ball into the basket for a score. There are many attributes characteristic of great rebounders. The most common are height and strength. Because height is important, most rebounds are made by centers and power forwards. Great rebounders must also have a keen sense of timing and have great leaping ability. It is also important that players position themselves in the best spot to get the rebound. This is done primarily by boxing out. Team rebounds are credited to a team that gains possession of the ball after any missed shot that is not cleared by a single player (i.e., deflected out of bounds after the shot, blocked out of bounds, etc.). A team rebound is never credited to any player, and is generally considered to be a formality. According to the rules of basketball, every missed shot must be rebounded whether a single player controls the ball or not.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Running: why is the core so important?



As you extend your stride or quicken the rate of your leg and foot turnover when you're trying to pick up your pace, the lower abs-including the transversus and rectus abdominis-and lower back are called into action. The stronger and more stable these muscles are, the more force and speed you can generate as you push off the ground.


The glutes and lower abs support the pelvis, which connects to the leg muscles needed to get uphill. If the core is strong, the legs will have a stable plane to push from, for a more powerful ascent. When you swing your leg forward, the hip-flexor muscles, such as the rectus femoris, pull on the pelvis. As you push off the ground, the glutes and hamstrings are engaged.


When you're flying down a slope, you need strong gluteal muscles to help absorb the impact and counter the momentum of the forward motion. As fun as it may be to zoom down, without the core strength to control your movement, your quads and knee joints bear the extra pounding of your body weight, which can lead to fatigue, pain, and even injury.


As you're nearing the end of a race, a solid core helps you maintain proper form and run efficiently, even through fatigue. With strong lower abs and lower-back muscles, such as the erector spinae, it's easier to stay upright. If your core is weak, you may end up shuffling, slouching, and putting too much stress on your hips, knees, and shins.

Lateral Movement

Whenever you have to suddenly move to the side-to turn the corner on a track, dodge a pothole, or navigate undulating terrain-the obliques provide stability and help keep you upright. If your core is weak, then you may end up leaning into the movement, which can put excess weight and strain on the joints in your legs and feet.

Hence, Core workouts are extremely important for runners.
How about adding some core exercises to your workout this 2 weeks to boost your run for this upcoming Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2011?

Give it a shot!

-run your hearts out!!!!


(REUTERS) - Overweight adults eat less often than people in the normal body weight range, but still take in more calories and are less active over the course of the day, according to a US study.

By contrast, normal weight adults, including those who had lost a lot of weight and kept it off, ate more often, according to findings published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

'Most of the research has shown that people who eat more frequently have a lower weight. But no one knows why,' said lead researcher Jessica Bachman, an assistant professor in the department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

More than 60 per cent of US residents are obese or overweight, but the relationship between the number of meals people eat each day and the ability to maintain weight loss has remained unclear, she said.

Zac Leow

Monday, November 21, 2011

Basketball : Choosing the right kicks!

"What Type of Basketball Shoe Will Benefit You the Most?" This is the question most basketball players are asked but the answer we gave is usually more of the asthmatic purposes.

To make an educated decision about your basketball shoes and determining which features are most important, you should have a basic understanding of shoe construction. Do you need a low-cut or mid? What is teh material of the upper? Do I need more or less cushioning?

Knowing how and why the shoes are made, could help you in decision making.

Highs, Mids Or Lows

  • Mid-cuts are for players who feel restricted in high-tops, and who use speed as their greatest asset.
  • Low-cuts are lighter, but don't offer the built-in ankle support that high-tops or even mids do.

  • Uppers

  • Today’s basketball shoes feature lightweight combination uppers, which mix the stability and durability of synthetic leather with the breathability of mesh.
  • High-tech, all-synthetic uppers are often more durable than leather and have gained popularity for their ability to offer stability in a super-lightweight shoe.

  • Cushioning

  • Midsole cushioning is that layer of soft, spongy material between upper and the outsole.
  • Midsoles will impact the levels of cushioning and shock absorption in the shoe and can affect a player's ability to explode off the floor.
  • Most midsoles are made of EVA (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate), polyurethane (PU) or a combination of these materials.
  • EVA offers lightweight cushioning, but not as much stability and durability. EVA can be compressed to make it somewhat more durable (CMEVA).
  • Polyurethane is more dense and durable than EVA and can add stability to the shoe, but is heavier.
  • Most brands also offer some form of proprietary cushioning technology (Nike Air, adidas Bounce, Reebok Hexalite, etc.) that are usually found in the heel and/or forefoot of the shoe and provide an extra degree of cushioning without adding extra weight.

  • prepared and written by Zac Leow

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    Fitness: Top Athlete Habits

    How to become more successful? The easiest way is to find someone that is already successful and replicate whatever he/she has done.

    We are what we repeatedly do.
    The better the habit, the better we get.


    Performance is mental
    Visual Success - improve performance/calms nerve


    do not dwell on the mistakes. 
    Learn from mistakes so they are handled better the next time the same situation appears


    Coaches will tailor the workout specifically for each individual and that will allow for optimum results.

    The better we plan and prepare, the better we get.
    Have good habits to bring in the big guns.

    prepared by Zac Leow

    Saturday, November 19, 2011

    basketball: Headcoach Leow

    today was my first match as the head coach of SRJC boys basketball team.

    its been 6 months since i took over as the head coach but this was the first friendly game we had.

    our very first opponent, NJC.

    they have a superb indoor basketball court that sheltered us from the rain and the match was a very well played game by both teams.

    final results: SRJC 35 - NJC 46

    here is the scoresheet

    # 6: 9 points
    # 21: 3 points
    # 9: 6 points
    # 14: 4 points
    # 4: 9 points
    #7 : 2 points
    #23: 2 points

    although the boys didnt come up with a win, i really liked their "never say die" attitude.

    from this game, i hope the boys have learnt alot more abt themselves just as how i have grown to know more about myself as a coach. thank NJ for this wonderful experience.

    after the game, i joined some of the boys for dinner and i had lots of fun joking arnd with them.

    we will win some games. and they will be timely. lets go boys!!! :)

    Zac Leow

    running: my supplements till the end of season!

    I have always believe that supplements are important for athletes. Personally, supplement is define as an additional nutrition taken in other than 3 basic meals. So, a bottle of gatorade/100plus is also considered as a supplement.

    As a marathon runner, i am constantly hungry due to the high energy output of my sport. I have been losing so much weight that i seem so "kenyan". but that is a good thing too. it means im crafting my body into the ideal body shape to compete for the event!

    I just bought my supplements recently from an online webbie.
    Im trying GU supplements till the end of this season. Hopefully it will be a pleasant experience! =)

    the different flavors power gel! too bad they are not caffeinated. Will definitely go and buy the caffeinated ones for my next 2 races! Standard Chartered Singapore and TOKYO MARATHON! wooots.

    my recovery drink and my workout drink to keep my blood sugar in check during and after my workout. its gonna be a tough 3 months to come. 
    time to bring the pain on.

    prepared and written by Zac Leow

    Friday, November 18, 2011

    lifestyle: too much is not good!

    "Too much is not good"
    how many times have we heard this?
    So here's some research from men's health.
    Believe it or not, too much is .. NOT GOOD.


    RDA: 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 hours.
    Ideal dose: Seven hours enables your body to produce growth hormones, repairing muscle and refreshing your brain function.
    Overdose: A recent study found men who logged nine or more hours a night were 43  per cent more likely to have heart disease than seven-hour sleepers, since hypersomnia (oversleeping) can stall your metabolism.


    Recommended daily allowance (RDA): 400mg. An average cup has around 80mg.
    Ideal dose: Five cups a day stimulates your immune system and aids  concentration. Moreover, it’s the perfect excuse to keep checking out that cute babe who works as the barista.
    Overdose: Heavy use – more than 500mg a day – can cause insomnia, anxiety and muscle tremors, according to US research. Pull back your daily dose with Arabica beans, for less caffeine, without sacrificing flavour.


    RDA: Having sex less than once a week increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.
    Ideal dose: Three times a week halves cardio problems. “Sex means better oxygenation and a healthier heart,” says Dr Emmanuele Jannini, a professor of endocrinology and sexology from Italy.
    Overdose: Having sex 20 times a month or more in your 20s could lead to a raised risk of prostate cancer in your 50s, according to University of Nottingham research. Russell Brand need not look so smug. 

    RDA: 0.75g per kg of body weight. So if you’re 76kg, you’ll need 57g daily.
    Ideal dose: Eat around 5g with every meal to build muscle and regulate your metabolism.
    Overdose: Just twice your RDA can overstrain your renal system and cause kidney stones. Keep protein to 15 to 20 per cent of your daily diet and flush your kidneys with water regularly.


    RDA: 3 1/2 litres.
    Ideal dose: According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, men who drink five glasses a day have a 54 per cent lower risk of heart disease.
    Overdose: “Excessive loading of three litres or more in a short time can trigger hyponatremia,” says nutritionist Emma Williams. This causes low salt levels, swelling of  the brain and can even result in a coma.