Saturday, September 17, 2011

finish the marathon!

recently, one of my good friend has requested me to do a weekly running plan for him sothat he can monitor the progress and also to finish the marathon.
so heres what i have planned out for him :

mon: 45 min easy run + conditioming
tues: rest
weds: 10 min warm up + 3 sets flartlek (2 min fast run, 3 min slow jog recovery= 1 set)
thurs: rest
fri: 30 min slow jog + conditioning
sat: start off with 90 mins easy run. increase by 5-10 mins every week.
sun: rest day

easy run will be define ad being able to chat or hum a song while running.

for the rest day, one can do stretching exercises to improve the range of motion which will in turn assist in their running form.
i personally will do foam roller exercise or visit my masseuse or even just go for a simple swim :)
remember, its a rest day because u need to rest to train hard the next day! :)

Zac Leow

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