Wednesday, November 16, 2011

running: 4 x 100m SEA GAMES

Yet another heartbreaking moment at the SEA GAMES 2011.
the Singapore 4x100m lost to Indonesia by 0.004s.
The photo finish was used to determine who crossed the line first. Gary (singapore) or Farel (indonesia).
The photo above is a frontal view (front) and a sagittal view (side) was used to determine the results as both sprinters cross the line at the same time.

Some how, i have this feeling that Gary is kicking himself in the butt. 
He will prolly soon get over it. knowing him.

Nevertheless, i am really very proud of what he has done this season and especially in this SEA Games.
He has had decent races in world championship and world university games earlier this year but nothing beats his SEA Games performance.

Hard work pays off.
Commitment is a must.
Only then, when the opportunities are right, 
will the rewards come.

You've come a long way.
You've never given up.
Work hard in the coming season.
I know you can achieve better.
nil sine labore.

prepared and written by Zac Leow

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