Thursday, May 24, 2012

how to be a lean mean machine!

Want to be a lean mean machine? Burn the road as you run instead of melting yourself into the road?
Its time to do something.

Recently, my buddy and I have started watching our diets and it has proved to be a worthy investment of our disciplined. He has shed more than 10kg (and its still dropping) and i have shed 6kg since i came back from japan. 
Yes. Even me. Bet you guys didnt know that i can get any thinner or lighter. But yes, i need to, as carrying all the additional weight over 42km is seriously no joke. every 100g matters to me. I am currently maintaining my weight at 65.5kg which i very satisfied with. 

Basically how our "diet" started was purely based on the things we researched and read on articles as well as books. To my surprise, Men's Health USA actually did a write-up on everything we have come up with. In a much neater, more presentable manner. so i have decided to share theirs with everyone.

its time. the time is now.
its time we kick ass..
we lean mean machines.

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