Friday, July 29, 2016

First road race post accident

Recently, a couple of questions. One of which was asked why do I run? The other was how I felt not being selected to go to the Paralympics. This kinda got me thinking and I have come up with these reasons:

1. Because I run for those who can't.
2. Being paralysed has made me realise how much running meant to me.
3. To show to my loved ones that I am getting stronger and better each day.

Wasn't so much as to dissing the doctors or proving a point to the world. Being a Paralympian or not, is not the motivation in me taking up the sport.

For the past 1.5 years, I have been focusing so much on the 1500m and the possibility of going to the Rio Paralympics that I had totally ruled out road racing for 2016, stating that I will be back racing my full marathon only in 2018. However, when the governing body decided to not send me for any race exposure this 2016, deep down I knew I was not part of the plan. Hence, I signed up for the Swan River Run in May. There is no para category in this race so I will be running along side everyone. It was a little daunting at first but I figured that it is something I have to overcome. At that point in time, my longest run was a 6km and it took slightly under 34minutes for me to complete so I wasn't very certain if I will be able to prepare myself for this race. Nevertheless, I started working on my long runs and set a “realistic” target of running a sub 25min for the 5km.
Come on, you guys know by know my definition of realistic is pretty different from others. :p

Fast forward to race day.
Just last weekend, I raced in my first ever road race since my accident. It has been 3 years since I last laced up in my Asics Japan Tarthers (the one and only shoe model I ever raced in), braved myself in the cold, stood at the standing line challenging for an official timing. I have raced in a couple of 5 degree races in the past but this race was totally different:

1. Due to my spinal cord injury, my spasms become worse making my movement stiff, losing range of motion, power and speed. Of course, the spasms hurt me. So I was literally in pain while waiting for the race to be flagged off. I had a lot of fear thinking about the wait and I even had to think about what attire to wear! Jacket or no jacket? Singlet or running top? Split shorts or long tights? These were new problems which I had never encountered. Definitely gave me a sleepless night thinking about this "silly" questions.

2. It wasn’t 5 degrees that morning. It was 0.8 degrees! Faintz

However despite all these, I was surprisingly composed and happy. It almost felt like I have never left the world of road racing. I was back in my element. I wasn't afraid, I wasn’t worried about the distance. I was looking forward to the pounding of the road, the pain at mid-way and the lactate at the final 1 km. I was genuinely happy. 

At long last, the gun went off and I started my run. It has been so long since I was able to run together as a pack with other runners. I was enjoying every step I took. But soon, I was dropped off by the lead pack, then the chasing pack and I was again running my own race. I carried on running alone, taking the strong head wind on my own for the remainder ~4km of the race. It was a very hard race not having someone to pace with, not having someone to draft but I was thankful that there were only a couple of people who overtook me. –grins-

As with all my runs, the pain kicked in slightly half way through and I started to count down the kms till I can stop. The only difference this time round: I didn't question myself why I am putting myself through all these pain. I was happy feeling this discomfort. I was thankful to be able to feel such adrenaline, the pain in the knees, the lactate in the hamstrings and the pounding of my feet hitting the tarmac.

When I took the final turn and crossed the finishing line, I saw my timing on the race clock and I was so stoked with it that I forgot to stop my garmin! 

With about 5 weeks before the race, my coach and I had a discussion and we came to a conclusion that sub 25min will be do-able and we should change the goal to running a sub 24min 5km race. 2 weeks before the race, after a particular workout, we joked about how amazing it will be if I were to run a 22:30 5km. It was such a nonsense that we both laughed it off. To our surprise, I run 21:44 for 5km! Well under the “crazy nonsense” target we joked about. 

Data retrieved from my Garmin 620

Really happy with my ranking! I will consider this a victory for the spinal cord patient! HA!

Often, hindsight is perfect. I still had no idea what exactly went on. But, looking back at my training log, I knew what I did and I would say I must have done everything right in order for the run to unfold in this manner (and that's why we keep a log). 

There are 4 people who have played crucial roles in making this timing possible. Thank God for placing them in my life. I have learnt so much from them and I “hear” their instructions in my head during my runs, keeping me focus on the agenda of every run. To the athletes who are reading this post, I hope that you do not just do a workout because you are being told to do so. Ask for the reason behind it so that you learn the reason. You will never know when it will come in handy. I often think back about the chats I had with them and a lot of things make sense, allowing me to create a workout that is specific to my needs and to my unique body. 

Increased my mileage
I had a chat with Stewie mid this year and I realized something that was lacking in my training. Mileage. I have been so narrow minded in my training, thinking that as a 1500m runner, I do not need to clock up the miles. After the chat, I started to clock in miles by adding in warm down jogs to make every session an “even numbered session”. Eg, when the workout was 8.8, I will do a 1.2km warm up to get a perfect 10.0km workout in the bank. Slowly, bit by bit, my weekly mileage went up to 50km/week – something that I am quite proud of. My goal is to ultimately hit 70km/week by the end of 2017.

Trust your coach - never back down
Trust your coach. If not, change. It is that simple. I only train with coaches who I trust my life with (quite literally) and I will never bargain for a lighter workout even if it sounds impossible. 
“Do not ask for a lighter load, ask for a stronger back”.

One of the key workouts that made this possible was when I was asked to run my 4 x 1km with 4:30 with 90s rest. At that point in time, I was running ~4:45 and to cut that 15s off seemed so crazy. If I haven’t trusted Grant and if I weren't crazy enough to say "lets go for it", I would not have been able to smash through these workouts. Sure my legs felt like jelly, my lungs felt like bursting but I managed to stuck through it and come out stronger. “If it isn’t challenging, you are not training hard enough”. Precisely the case and point.  

absolutely smashed after the run and its totally worth it.

Running mechanics 
Luis gave me precise instructions to help me improve my running mechanics when I was back in Singapore early this year. Till this day I still hear "use your elbows", "credit card" and most importantly "NO BACK MECHANICS" whenever I run. I remember how he will emphasis on practicing good mechanics even if it was during passive recovery or during warm up/ warm down. Its all about practicing the right mechanics.
Numerous times during the 5km race, I feel my form suffering and I will instantly remind myself "NO BACK MECHANICS", getting my running form as efficient as possible. Thank you coach for this wonderful knowledge. I will continue to practice!!

Coach, no back mechanics even at finish line right? =)

Every workout has its own agenda
There are times when I will have to smash myself during the workout. Take a spill, or crawl on the floor if need be. But there will be days when it is meant to be E-A-S-Y like a 6:30min/km 10km JOG. There is a perfect cycle to how workouts are supposed to be planned. In fact, I take my slow runs as serious as my intervals. It might feel counter intuitive to do so but at times, it is the slow workout that makes a difference (adding total volume and staying injury free).

I think these are the 4 main points that produced sure an awesome 5km race.

Thank you Asics for keeping me warm in this crazy weather! and of course, for inventing the best racers =)

Thank you for waking up, dropping me off and waiting for me in the cold! Love ya! HUGS
What's next? By default, a longer road race.
See you at Perth's biggest road race event, City2Surf's finishing line. Better not let the spinal cord injury patient catch you *wink* :)

 Written by Zac Leow

Saturday, February 27, 2016

1st 1500m of 2016

First 1500m of 2016.
First 1500m back in Perth.
First 1500m after I have "upgraded some parts" in Singapore.

Let's just say I did not have high hopes for this race because I have yet worked on the physiological aspects of my run yet (aerobic capacity etc). I know my biomechanics have improved a lot since the ASEAN Para Games. At long last, I had that "kick" at the end of a long run, to overtake someone in the final stretch and that was tested out recently during one of the training session but in Perth and I certainly love this "upgrade".

Given the lack of preparation, I knew the chances of me doing a new PB (personal best) and "NR" (national record) will be slim. Still, there were a few things I wanted to get out of this race:

1. To make sure I "kick" at the final 100m stretch (I usually finish off the last 100m of my 1500m in a limp)

2. To run every 400m faster than the one previous so that I can do a 'negative split".

3. To be more relax before a race because not every race is a "must win" and I want to be daring to try a different strategy/style even if it means that I might screw up the race.

With these agenda set, I prepared myself for the race.

Listening to some awesome music on my Sony B Trainer while visualising the run. Its kinda my way of 'relaxing' and removing all other distractions.

After the warm up jog, it was time to change into my race attire.
Side story: This pair of "pure neon yellow" spikes were given to athletes who competed at the previous World Championships. I hope this spikes will bring me closer to Paralympics and WC qualifications.

One of the many things that were taught to me by Coach Luis was to constantly check for my form, to give myself feedback on how my running mechanics are rather than just relying on feelings. Lots to work on, lots to remind myself of, but I am certain with all the work I put in, one day they will all pay off. Nil Sine Labore.

Final stride and video check before I get report to the call room.

Doing some mental preparation, reminding myself what Grant and Luis would have told me if they were physically here.

Race start! I can literally hear Luis saying: "Let your body fall, knee drive, 'punch with your elbows', feel relax and no back mechanics"

For the first time, I managed to stick to the running pack for a while before I got dropped off. Pretty happy about it.
 The race came as a surprise because I did not expect myself to be stick in the midst of a pack of runners. Think I might have started my first 400m a little too fast but it was still within my limits hence I didn't blow up.

For a moment, I was wondering if I should keep up the pace so that I can continue to draft the runners. Abandoned that thought by the 600m mark and ran my own pace, putting my focus on original race plan and the final kick.

Interestingly, every time I come round a bend, I "hear" Luis shouting: Zac! No back mechanics!!
Thanks Coach. Those 2 months were well spent =)

Going for the final "kick" and I managed to overtake 1 person with 20m to go. This is the first time I won an abled bodied individual in the 1500m. I hope this is a good sign! =)

Managed to finish the race with a smile =)
Not only did I finished the race meeting all the agenda set prior, I managed to sneak in a new personal best and "national record".
Cant wait to get the physiology aspect of things sorted out. I'm certain Grant's going to make me spill during training and I am ready for it!
If it a'int challenging, I a'int training hard enough. Isn't it? =)

Nil Sine Labore.

ps. If you are wondering why my "national records" are always in " ".  It is because Singapore has no official national records and I am still waiting for the council to sort this issue out. So for now, every record I set is "unofficial" till the sporting body sort itself out.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

More bad news. again.

Something has been weighing me down since Tuesday. Saw a different Doctor at the hospital for my #spinalcordinjury review here in Perth and was told (again) that:

1. It is a "miracle" that I am able to do what I do now. But, I will not improve further;

2. I may be basically waiting for my condition to worsen bringing me back to "where the prognosis was originally stated";

3. Me training so hard on a daily basis is "trading" whatever limited "miracle" time i have left before my condition worsens.

These are not new information but this just weighs me down so badly and it makes me think if whatever I am doing now, is the best for me. Especially if this is the opening statement whenever I visit a new doctor. In addition, this doctor gave a new insight stating that my next fall could be one that sends me back to my wheelchair because it affects my nerves.

This reminds me of what a privilege it is to stand, walk and run. I am excited about the future as I push for the #paralympics but I also fear for it, if the doctor is right. Subconsciously, this has been holding me back for my past 2 training sessions and I really need to clear my mind to get on with "whatever's left. Given the fact that I have been having unexplainable blurred vision and dizziness at times, I think I am beginning to buy into this story. Funny how I always have bad news coming to me whenever I start running well. Wonder if this is a sign or a distraction..

In serious desperate need of some positive energy. Dear Lord, help me tide this one through.
I have no doubt in my determination to constantly push myself to my limits even if my body were to start to deteriorate. But it is more of "if its worth it" and "if the doctors are right".


I can just think of it as: since I am a miracle, i do not obey the normal projected pathway.
Yeah. I think I will go on with that theory. Lets just treasure the moment, continue better my best and hope that I will wake up walking the next day.

After chatting with my fiancé, we have come to the conclusion to live my and our lives to the fullest and not hold back. Quality of life and enjoying what I love. What a good wifey =)

This actually sounds like a good plan. All the more I have got to make my "remaining running days" worth while. I pray that I will be able to taste the freedom of running for a long time to come.. And that i will go a little faster.. And maybe do a sub 4 hour marathon again.

Please.. Lets just keep going on.
Everything is possible for one who believes (Mark 9:23). #webelieve
In fact, he doesnt even want to have a follow-up appointment with me because it was all "done-deal" and probably improvements in medical treatments for me wouldnt come soon enough.

My last fall might very well end everything. But.. lets go for it. Not in my character to hold back.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

First race of 2016

When the ASEAN Para Games ended, one important question was looming over my head.

What's next?

Obviously the next big meet would be the Rio Olympics and Paralympics but I am ready to actually challenge at that level, or even simply to qualify for it?
I took a good look at my 1500m results and I needed to shave off 45s in order to qualify for it.
45s is a massive time to cut. Maybe I should just wait for Tokyo 2020...

After sitting on that thought for a while, I realised that I have never backed down from a challenge, so why should I back down now? Regardless if I qualify for Rio2016, I will still train hard isn't it? So might as well go for it. Make the fullest of every moment in life and live with no regret!

With that goal set, I knew I needed help while I am in Singapore and fortunately, I was given the opportunity to train with Singapore Athletics National head coach, Luis Cunha, who is a biomechanist sprints expert. Knowing that my running gait is my limiting factor, I am excited to see how improving my gait will help me in my runs. 

Before I knew it, the SAA series 1 arrived. 
I was really glad to see other para-athletes participating in this series. I believe this is a first step taken to integrate para-sports into the abled-body events. Its good for confidence building for para-athletes and also for public awareness too! =)
Para athletes competing in the 200m.

Although my daily workouts and warmups have changed drastically over these 2 months, my pre-race warm up was kept the same.

As for me, it was this standard routine that makes me feel comfortable, focused and ready to race, regardless the race and location. Thanks to sports science for this wonderful knowledge and habit =p

Popped on my sony smart B-trainers, listening to my favourite Japanese rock music and away I went for my warm up jog and drills with my asics tri noosa. Unfortunately, no cooling vest this time round =(

While waiting at the call room, I went through the motions that coach Luis often reminded me of: "no back mechanics!". 
Then, there I was standing at the starting line. Said my prayers and I got ready. No block starts this time round simply because I haven't been practicing it. Rather lose that 0.2s than to fall face down =x. 
My mind thought of nothing, it was a state of blank and BANG

Body falling forward, knees up, elbows blocked, I have taken off.

I ran a very evenly paced 400m and finished with a timing of 67.11s.
A trade mark I had make for myself over the years. 
A new personal best and renewed my previous "national record". 
In 2 months, I shaved off 3.49s in the 400m.
This would have been deemed "impossible" to able-bodied or para-athletes. 
If you never try, you'll never know. *grins*

Getting a new 400m PB gave me the confidence that a sub 5 min 1500m is getting closer every single training session. Just got to have the patience, be healthy, train hard and listen to coach. 

My next race will be back in Perth at the end of Feb and it will be my pet 1500m. 
Looking forward to the pain it brings.
Looking forward to the lactate.
Looking forward to running my lungs out.
Looking forward to push my body and mind to its limit once again.
Looking forward to smashing it.
No regrets. 

God willing that I will get closer to the qualifying mark race after race.

Really thankful for SDSC, SAA and coach Luis for making this special arrangement for me to train with such an awesome team. Not forgetting my team mates who push me every training session, never viewing me as someone less abled. 

Also, a huge "thank you" to everyone who came up to me, encouraged, cheered for me. Despite the humidity, head and sun, I'm beginning to love to race in Singapore a lot because of this "home support". Thank you

Nil Sine Labore

Glad to be able to keep up with some young pups this time round

Trying my best to imitate the "head dive" at the end of the sprint. Not quite successful though =x

Monday, February 1, 2016

Sponsorships for 2016

I am thrilled to announce my sponsors for 2016.
Thank you for making me your FIRST ever para-athlete endorsee.
Thank you for supporting para sports.
Thank you all for supporting me in my quest for the #rio #paralympics .
Some might say its a big dream.
Well, no dream is too big, so long as the hard work is laid.

Nil Sine Labore