Friday, August 3, 2012

should we be proud of the bronze?

Singapore has finally gotten her individual medal after a long wait. Yet, this has split the citizens of Singapore into 2 distinctive camps: those who are proud of the achievement and those that think "Singapore" did not win.

So.. what's the issue now?
It has been no secret that a bronze is of a lower credibility and less of an honor in any sporting event. Adding to the pain is the fact that the athlete is a foreign talent, which meant that she was not born here in Singapore and probably her only English vocabulary are resisted to "why leh", "here lo", "Walao". We can safely bet that she can't sing the national anthem and let alone understand what it is all about. (Well, the general concept of all anthems are the same though)

To be honest, when I was much younger, I had these exact feelings. As I speak now, as a sports scientist and as an athlete, my opinion has changed. This is why:

The Olympics is not just an event to compete for the fastest or the best athlete. It is also a showcase of the financial power and technology advancement each country has. How much money, time and effort that is spent into something that is totally insignificant to a country's survival. Let me assure you that the it is not an easy job to put an athlete together to compete. Sports physiologist, coaches, physiotherapists, sports psychologist, biomechamist, general manager, nutritionist and traInIng partners are put together to empower the athlete. The team members consist of Singaporeans. True blue la-leh-lo-eh fouled mouth hokkien speakIng Singaporeans like you and me.

Oh, did we forget that the correct athlete must be chosen to make it happen?

Feng Tian Wei came to Singapore in 2007  and has been living, breathing the same air and eating the same chicken rice and nasi lemak that you and I both love.

It is really not easy being an athlete. training 4 hours each session, twice a day and up to 6 times a week. It is no easy job. If anyone thinks that being an athlete has lesser stress as compared to being in an office environment, I dare you to complete the standard chartered Marathon Singapore leg in 3:30:00H. Then you can tell me if it is an easy and less stressful job.

Lets forget about where she is from and care more about who has developed her (Singapore), who she is representing as of 2008 (Singapore), who is going to benefit from sparring with such a good opponent during training (young Singaporeans) and who she is representing on the BIGGEST stage in the world.

Singaporeans often question why our athletes haven't been performing well. best In sIngaporea but lousIest In olympIcs. Have we ever asked ourselves what we could have Done as a spectator, citizen to make a difference in making our own SINGAPOREAN athletes better? every coubtry pays tax and part of it is funded to sports. So cut the crap. And I havent even touched on our paralympIcs who are world record holders(I bet 95% of Singaporeans do not know this FACT).

For those who know me on a personal basis, you guys Will know I hardly come out to address Singapore as my country. But hey. Seriously. I am proud of it. And one day I want to don the red and white to do the country proud. Hopefully by then, more support Will be given to the national athletes.

Lets unite and be proud. For this is the country that has given us life, stability, shelter and family. This is Singapore.

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