Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tokyo Marathon 2012

its been a while since i blogged. my apologises to everyone to keep u guys waiting on my tokyo marathon post! *bows*

As many would have already known, i left singapore for tokyo on 17 february 2012 to compete in the Tokyo Marathon 2012 on 26th February 2012. It was a well calculated time to depart, giving myself 7 days to acclimatize to the much colder and drier conditions in tokyo. Lets not disregard the effects of radiations as well.

My tappering began in singapore and it followed through in tokyo till the actual race day.

so here are some pictures from my fantastic trip back 'home', the land of the rising sun, the place that keeps me motivated and sane every single day, Japan.

hiding from the cold inside the hotel lobby before we head out to embrace the cold..

im all set to all the pain, love and peace. oh.. yap.. THANK YOU ASICS JAPAN. =)

this is the view of the starting line before its packed with people. 

road marshals blocking out the road.

we kinda regretted exposing ourselves to 3 degrees a little too early.. ha

a picture of Hiro and I after our warm up. Btw, hes really a japanese. LOL

ok. that makes having 2 japanese in the photo. HA!

Hiro, Me, Luke at Tokyo.. All ready to race!!

check out the crowd heading to the starting line~

doing some last minute discussion on our race strategy

i know right! i am damn excited to race =)

Me looking stress and Hiro enjoying his Banana Breakfast before the race

The moment we parted and went to our starting pen.

and the race starts and there i went. Trying to break away from everyone else. eyes on the money baby.
Thank you tokyo. For bringing me back to life. For making me fall in love with marathon racing <3

Finished with a gun time of 3:32:20.. haha.. shall keep the race time a secret. hee..

I am really glad i managed to break the goal set out by myself despite whatever nonsense my prof has told me. Claiming that it is impossible to go below 3:30 at this race for my standards..

So i shall continue to train hard, to race well.

Disciplined I shall
Motivated I'll always be
Doing my very best, I will ever be.

Till the next race. Cya peeps and god bless =)

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