Saturday, February 4, 2012


time flies man. and its alrdy been a year.
its time for our annual UWA reunion dinner! =)

In every relationship/group there are bound to be arguments, friction between each other once in a while. Guess everyone has to be really mature to forgive and forget and to embrace each other's flaws for this group to stay united without dropping the members. in fact, we've gotten new addition! welcome seishen! haha..

so here are some of the pics that were taken! =)

Getting ready for more fun and games!

Bring the boys out!~~

Bring the girls out!~~

looks like kids playing with food! haha

So folks. this is the coolest gang in UWA. hands up champion. every lecturer knows all our names. haha! These are the people that stayed by my side during the toughest period of 2011, these are the people that have motivated to me to study really hard and to get grades that i truly deserve and these are the ASSHOLES that made me run the marathon to shut the uncle up. HAHA!!!  Thanks gang. Thanks for everything. Forgive my littleness and nonsense ya?  <3

Shall end off this post with the future of sports science in singapore. better remember the faces. #1!

wan xin, gary, nicole, zac, shayne, charles, keewee, seishen and remy. cheers =)

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