Saturday, December 31, 2011

end off 2011

what a year 2011 has been.

I've embarked on a truly new journey of my life. 

Became very close friends with some, lost some friends along the way.. 
I am still thankful for those that are here by my side. 
Really. Love you peeps.
I will catch the grenade for you~~

Stepped up to a new challenge in life. 42.195km, the marathon.

I've been racing. doing new distances, breaking my own personal best (pb), starting to train with an awesome group of friends under my mentor. It is really tough and alot of commitment to make sure everything goes according to plan. There is still a long long way to gooooooooo..... =p

I've become the head coach of SRJC basketball boys. Truly a good way for me to payback to my school as well as a fantastic way of me to practice what i've learnt in school. I want to be the sport scientist that will aid Singapore to a new height. To be able to let the world know that Singapore is not just a freaking country that can do nothing except produced clone tools to propel the country's economy.

ooooops. wrong flag ar.

but the toughest of all is definitely being single again. i guess, im just a committed person although i dont look like one. I will just have to get use to it.
at least i still got my dreams, passion and DORAEMON with me! hahaha

Some people come in and out of our lives, the hardest part is that when you are not prepared to leave. This is probably as close as "death". friends or lover. it is all the same. it all hurts.

Have been doing some reflections for 2011. What you said was true. I am just not good enough. I need to improve as a person, as an athlete, as a lover. I even needa improve as a Victorian.
I will.
cause i know....

Before i end it off, i would like to apologise to all that i've hurt in one way or the other in this year. 
I should never inflict pain and suffering into anyone except for myself. (cause i feed on pain)
I will be a better person come 2012. even if it is the end of the world =)

I've definitely made my new year resolution for 2012.
I'll try my best to achieve all! =)

Love you all.
Thanks for all the messages i've received since the start of this blog. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

make up? yes. i do =)

thats because u havent dated a rockstar before. sucks to be you~~ hahaha!!

heres some pics of me doing my makeup before i went out for a show.
yes. i know.
im good. =)

before i started!

after my liquid foundation!

time for some powder foundation!

time to add the bronzer!



its just a basic courtesy to make yourself presentable. If you are an artist, you job is to present the best on stage, in terms of being visual, music and entertainment. 
It has got to be pleasing in all 3 areas to have the best result.
It is my job to be the best i can be.
It is my passion to entertain people with what i do best.

i miss the stage at times.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Xmas Party 2011

Where did you peeps spend your xmas party? wells, i spent mine with my bros at idarts!
We had lots of fun joking, chatting and just to enjoy each other's company.
I love my bros. =)

so here are some pics from the night!

nice lighting effects!

my dartslive member's card that records every single game played!

rules and condition for the membership

Even kids are having a go on the darts machine! its that fun. =p

michelle and the gigantic Carlsberg! ok. the beers does look so big in this photo. hahaha!

My pretty stylist Lilian won herself some hot gifts for the night!

More gifts from iDarts!

Truly having a good time at iDarts Senso!

Bryan and his mummy!! =)

Pub filled with darters! iDarts!!!

and the X'mas Countdown begins!!!

I regret sitting next to handsome. Shall not reveal his name. MUAHAHAH!!!

SMILE!!!! =D

Lots of pretty girls playing iDarts. Guys, you know what to do!

Mr Liu hosting the show!

This is definitely not the first time we spent xmas together. But, this is definitely the first one we spent NOT WORKING together. muahaha! shioks.

May more good times come our way! =)


a big THANK YOU to iDarts Senso for making this fantastic xmas celebration possible =)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

merry xmas!

this is gonna be one tough xmas period for me. but i know i'll survive it and i'll be stronger after that. :)

hopefully im having the worst xmas around everyone's gonna enjoy it!!! enjoy the food, the drinks and remember to love your close ones :D

Zac Leow

Friday, December 23, 2011

My darling's last day@ SD

Yesterday, i stepped back into an area that i was so used to. Clarke Quay.
This was the area when i came when i was young, looking at my teachers perform every night at the Pumproom and later supporting friends playing at Lunar. When i walked across the bridge from central, this one man solo walk is just too familiar to be true. 
this time, i am single. this time, i am not a musician.

I was there not just to party, but to create the party. I was the creator of the most happening night scene. I had the key to freedom. I was the license to party.
 I invited some friends to join me at the party and for some, they had never seen the wild side of me. I hope i didnt scare them away. haha!

So heres a post about me and how i started the night scene with my dearest guitarist (aka my darling) Simon Lai.

When i first saw Simon at the Singapore Street Festival, I knew he was someone different. I knew that he will be one of the top guitarist. and I still believe so till today.

We've been through many happy occasions and through lots and lots of fucked up times. Some how, we manage to slowly climb over each obstacle and we eventually do it well in a class of our own.

my crazy drummer. Mr purple liu.

and we never ever forget to have fun. LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN.

 our superband days

this is definitely one of the most crappy memory. STAGE.

and so, yesterday was the last day Simon played as the resident band at Shanghai Dolly. I was really proud of him to have taken this step and to work towards a better future. 
Darling, Life's tough. So we just needa be tougher.

Regardless how many partners have came and left, the 3 of us are always together. N i see this going a mighty long way. We will be there to support you. Jiayou!!! 
for our 自由!

had a tweet from one of my friends.
fren: i know you guys rock the stage last night
me: how did u know?
fren: cause you guys are velvet band. The chemistry is amazing

Thank you.
Thank you for the faith and support. 

Thank you Bryan, Simon. 
For the most amazing time of my life. If only, we had went taiwan together. Things would have been different.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

training: endurance, strenth, power, hypertrophy?

Everyone must have heard so much about high reps vs low reps and how it affects your training and the resulting body shape that people which is the reason why most people gym.

So i've decided to write a post as a form of guide for everyone to follow. Feel free to drop me a mail or message regarding what should be done if you have any questions =)

Before we begin, it is advisable to consult your doctor for your current health status and to ensure that you are fit for gym training as it may be really tough.

Here are some some short forms which will be used in this post:
sets = 1 set consist of the number of reps allocated
reps = repetitions
RM = maximum rep (maximum weight one can do, one single effort)

Muscle Endurance

High reps, Low load.
2-4 sets, 15-30 reps, 50% RM
Duration: 2-4 weeks
resulting body shape : lean
sporting purpose: endurance athletes

referencing: Bruce Lee

Muscle Hypertrophy

Low reps, High load.
4-10 sets, 10-15 reps, 75% RM
Duration: 2-4 weeks
resulting body shape : BIG!
sporting purpose: Body builders

referencing: Arnold 

Muscular Strength

Low reps, High load.
3-5 sets, 1-10 reps, 90% RM
Duration: 6-12 weeks
resulting body shape : well cut body
sporting purpose: buildup phase to power

Referencing: Rain 

Muscular Power

moderate reps, moderate load. FAST!
2-3 sets, 12-15 reps, 60% RM
Duration: as long as the competition phase last
resulting body shape : well defined body
sporting purpose: sprinters, NFL footballers

Referencing: Bolt, Lebron 

The 4 training phase MUST go in the order to get maximum results and to prevent injuries.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Health: Best Cardio Machines in the Gym.


The treadmill is great for pushing yourself to higher intensities because you can dictate your pace by adjusting the speed. Raising the incline will help you boost power and push your heart rate . And it’s a little more forgiving than running outdoors.
How to use it: Just walk or run the same way you would outside. Running at an incline of 1.0 feels more like an outdoor environment compared to running without an incline. You may need to hold onto the supports for balance while you’re adjusting speed or gradient (incline, decline), but try not to shift your weight onto the supports. Focus on staying tall and keep your torso still so that your only moving parts are your legs and arms. And keep your mouth slightly open. Seriously. A clenched jaw signifies a tense body, which can slow you down and possibly even cause injury.


“If you’ve been sitting in a car or at a desk all day, consider the elliptical so that you can get some hip extension to lengthen out the muscles around your hips and take stress off your back,” says Slater. It’s also low-impact on your joints, making it ideal for recovery days in the Blue zone.
How to use it: The motion will vary depending on make and model, but try to find a machine that simulates running so that you can use regular running mechanics. Some elliptical machines have arms so you can move your legs and arms together. Otherwise, there’s no reason to hold on. If you’re running or using the elliptical at a speed that feels like you need to hold on, you’re going too fast.

Rowing Machine

You’ll burn major calories on this piece of equipment while also strengthening your back, arms and shoulders to cement your upper body’s “V” shape.
How to use it: Sit on the seat with your legs straight in front of you, knees slightly bent. Lock your feet into the clips, then push back with your legs and pull the handle to your abdomen, allowing your back to guide your arms toward you. Keep your spine and shoulders straight and stiff, leaning your upper body back with each row until your shoulders are behind your pelvis. Maintaining a smooth and mechanical rhythm to your strokes will allow you to up the intensity without botching your technique.


“Using a bike for training leg strength is great cross-training, especially when it comes to hill running,” says Slater. Cycling actually stimulates complementary muscles to what’s worked when running, increasing the overall strength that you can generate with your lower body. Because riding is impact-free, it’s also a great choice for recovery days in the Blue zone.
How to use it: Sit on the seat so that each leg has a slight bend (not fully extended) when the pedal reaches the bottom of its rotation. You want the foot pedal to come down directly underneath the knee, not out in front of it. Keep your back flat throughout. Maintain a firm grip on the handlebars, but avoid putting too much pressure on the bars. You don’t want tension in your hands

Stair climber

The stair climber demands a high level of technique and focus, forcing you to be powerful in your actions. It’s great for burning calories.
How to use it: Stand tall, and try not to rest your hands on the machine (it’s a greater core challenge to not use support). Take big steps, as opposed to short, choppy steps. Most stair machines are based on the speed of the step itself so you don’t have to worry about fit, or where you place your hands. If the handles are right in front of you, and not at your sides, it may help you stay tall to hold on lightly; holding the handles on the sides of the machine, however, will result in poor posture. Never hold yourself up by shifting your weight onto the machine’s support bars, which defeats the purpose of the exercise by eliminating the gravity-generated resistance.


The VersaClimber couples upper and lower extremity movements, providing not only a cardio challenge, but also a full-body workout. What’s more, the VersaClimber allows you to burn more calories when compared to most cardio machines.
How to use it: Step on the foot rests with both feet at the same height, legs straight, and use the straps to secure your feet. Set the handles at shoulder height. The motion should feel like you’re crawling upwards, so as you extend one arm overhead, you’ll straighten the leg on the same side. Stay tall as you go. If you start too fast on this machine, you will not reach your time goal—it’s that tough of a workout.